Faster Pussycat Guitar Build Project

Xentric Guitar Co. have done some quite amazing work over the last few years. I myself was particularly impressed with their original design and creation of the custom bass guitar they made for Nikki Sixx of Motley Crue. A stunning guitar featuring an actual spinning saw blade!

Xentric Guitars and I are working together to produce a unique instrument and work of art. I’m very excited about this guitar build and I’m happy to announce that Xentric Guitars have given me the go ahead to share the experience of the entire build right here on my site from inception through to completion.
I’d like to thank everyone who commented on the concept draft posted on FaceBook a few days ago. Many of your ideas are going to be implemented into the final design.
Check Back Often For Updates.
Be sure to check out Xentric Guitars website HERE
The Build Stage 1

Xentric Guitars have begun the FP guitar build and I’m able to share some of the first pictures from this emerging wonder 🙂
The finished guitar body will be formed from a mold. The original piece is hand carved from special clay. The pictures above show the actual guitar shape created out of clay.

The difficult stage comes next. The entire design has to be hand carved and gradually detailed before it can be used to form a mold. You can see the design start to take shape.
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